$2.6 million in Grants Available - Diesel-Powered Vehicles

Cleaner Technologies for Cleaner Air

Reducing emissions from diesel engines is one of the most significant air quality challenges facing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

To help Pennsylvania meet its diesel emissions reduction goals, the Wolf Administration has developed new grant and rebate programs to improve air quality in Pennsylvania and drive transformation from older, polluting diesel engines to clean technologies. 

Key Dates

A webinar on the Pennsylvania State Clean Diesel Grant Program will be held on February 4, 2019.

PA DEP will accept online applications until 4:00 PM on February 28, 2019.

Replace, Repower, or Retrofit
Diesel-Powered Vehicles

$2.6 million in grants are available to replace, repower,
or retrofit fleet diesel-powered trucks, buses, and other vehicles and equipment. The grants are available to public, private and non-profit entities looking to update diesel powered fleet vehicles.


For more details on the Driving PA Forward program, please visit: www.dep.pa.gov/drivingpaforward