Joint Comprehensive Plan

Borough of Waynesboro and Washington Township 

Franklin County, Pennsylvania

Identifies Commercial Enhancement Areas, Downtown Revitalization Areas, Industrial Reinvestment Areas and Residential Reinvestment Areas.

Establishes Priority Action Items, including:

  • Providing flexibility for re-use of commercial buildings through the zoning ordinance.

  • Providing financial incentives for re-use of buildings.

  • Securing land and buildings for industrial development.

  • Remediating and redeveloping Brownfield properties.

  • Enhancing heritage tourism.

  • Working with Main Street Waynesboro to secure appropriate re-use and infill of vacant and underutilized properties.

  • Implementing the Downtown Master Plan by recruiting appropriate retail, creating gateway signage, preparing streetscape plans, improving pedestrian linkages between parking areas and Main Street and adding pedestrian-friendly outdoor use area along linkages.