Spottlight on Water Quality

A refreshing glass of water. On the surface, it's filled with nothing but H20. Thinking deeper, you'll see that a lot more has gone into it. Such as protecting the purity of reservoirs, aquifers, wellheads, and springs. Rehabilitating abandoned wells. Using hydrogeologic modeling to calculate the impact of proposed development on source water and surrounding terrain. Using GIS to manage complex and voluminous environmental databases. Tailoring solutions for municipalities and water suppliers, and getting clean water to communities, buildings and faucets. Into every refreshing glass of water goes a lot of deep thinking.

At SSM, we believe in protecting, developing, and managing water resources for future generations. Our Water Resources team takes great pride in making water happen, protecting water resources, and providing the greatest care to our supply sources every single day.

August is Water Quality Month. And so this month we challenge you to take a little bit of extra time to think about that refreshing glass of water. Or, that clean shower stream. Or, the water bodies you might enjoy for recreation. 

Enjoy your water this month! It’s been sourced with you in mind.