Implementing UV Filtration & Reconfiguring Your Space

Implementing UV Filtration

When bringing operations and employees back to the facility, air quality is of the highest priority.

Ultra-Violet (UV) filtration is an additional area in which we see options for facility managers to use their HVAC system to improve air quality and decrease contaminants and toxins. While UV has become a popular conversation for facility and operations managers, make sure that you are working with a team that can implement it appropriately and effectively for the needs of your specific organization.

UV filtrations are a common offering and can be added to almost any air handler. Adding UV filtration is also an easy adjustment to your system in the sense that it does not require much reconfiguration to implement. While the addition of UV treatment does require some additional electric power, typically a few amps at 120 V, it is a very low pressure drop add to the fan system meaning a change to the air handler fan motor is highly unlikely and the additional cost of operation miniscule.

We know that UV is very effective for eliminating mold and viruses. We’ve actually helped get some of these systems up and running in water treatment plants.

But an important factor is making sure your employees are not exposed to the UV light. This can cause many issues and risks. Our suggestions are to first and foremost, run UV filtration through duct work.

If you are using a recirculating UV system located within the occupied space, we recommend using it when space is unoccupied. An easy tip is to create a “cleaning” schedule for spaces so that UV can work while other parts of the building are being used, or when the building is closed.

A great decision is walking through your options and finding the best fit for your facilities, employees, and budget. Moving forward with mindful and meaningful changes means creating a healthy place for people to work. This isn’t one size fits all- it’s about you, your people, your place- and doing what works for you.

Reconfiguring the Workplace

Don’t forget: reconfiguring your workspace may have a significant impact on your HVAC system.

You may be planning to reconfigure your partitioned office space, or any workspace within your facility. Keep in mind that this will change the airflow of the workspace which not only has an impact on your HVAC system and comfortability, but also the health of your employees. Consider this a priority when re-evaluating how your space will function. We’d be happy to talk through what the reimaged airflow looks like, and how you can best utilize your space.

New ventilation requirements for HVAC systems might also impact the current equipment you have, as for many the current equipment won’t be able to handle the load. Designing a more sophisticated system that uses a higher level of design and more outdoor air, might be a good option. While this is not always as energy efficient as we’ve seen in the past, we can still design the new standards to be as efficient as possible and healthy for employees.

The priority is to remember HVAC’s role in the health and functioning of your facility. Too often, HVAC becomes an invisible thing that we forget needs to be cared for, upgraded, and utilized to the best of its capacity. Think forward to what you can do to best take care of your people, and your building.

#ProblemSolved: Our Mechanical Engineering Team is here to help. If you have questions, send an email to Bruce Bell, Director at or give a call to 610-898-3079