The Source - November 2015

Regulatory and legislative updates, best practices, and new technologies.


  • Unassessed Waters Project Successful in Berks County
  • Strategies for Successful Implementation
  • Consider the Source Campaign
  • New Faces in Sourcewater Protection
  • Good Water = Good Life

Source Water Protection

Protecting our Water Resources

SSM is committed to providing water systems the tools needed to protect their precious water supply through a variety of consulting services.

Before you can protect drinking water, you need to know its source. The first step in developing a source water protection plan is verifying the source for the water supply. Once confirmed, we work closely with the water supplier and community representatives to identify ways of protecting these areas.

We characterize potential sources of contamination, develop protective management strategies, plan for emergencies, and provide new water supply options. Our professionals delineate protective zones around each well or surface water intake to show the areas that contribute to the drinking water supply and educate stakeholders on watershed improvement.